Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Environmental Education and Creativity in Schools

I have to say that an the topic of this article was not what i was expecting. Honestly, I did not know what to expect but it certainly was not an environmental article which pretty much provides a perfect example of how out of tune I, as well as many others I’m sure, are with our environment. Certainly, we are becoming more environmentally conscious but do we expect all education to be environmental education as Orr urges? Probably not. Nevertheless, I believe environmental education plays an important role in creating eco-conscious citizens and our efforts must be continued not only in the classroom but also throughout the school community.

As for the video, I was quite encouraged by a comment I found from a teacher from my high school posted just this week. He writes, “Personally, i am striving to redefine, facilitate, and reorganize the public education institution's foundations with our students, their parents, my colleagues, and the community.” Although this is quite an ambitious undertaking, it inspires me to challenge myself and my students to think and learn creatively and not just for the sake of information or getting a good grade.

1 comment:

  1. Orr's article was a little frightening in that I found myself pondering how little things have changed since he first wrote it.
    That's great that you found your own teacher's comment and that it has inspired you so much!!
