On my short practicum, I taught a class of Math 8. It was a review session coving the multiplication and division of integers. It was interesting because they were required to learn how to use number lines and algebra tiles to show how to solve equations but this was something I had never learned. It was clear to me and their teacher going into the class that they were struggling with using these strategies. I began the class by asking naming certain areas of the chapter (ex. using number lines, using algebra tiles, solving multiplication/division problems using any method, order of operations, word problems, etc.) and how comfortable they were in them and they seemed to have a pretty good idea of what they needed to work on. I found it difficult to fit in everything that I wanted to do. I planned for a 60 minute review session but the quiz that my sponsor teacher planned took longer than expected. I did plan what I needed to cut out but I found that I still didn't have enough time for the shortened plan. In the end, I feel that it would have been better to focus entirely on one area that I had previously determined to be an area that they needed help on.
I also found that I should be more clear with my instructions - especially with grade 8s. It is becoming apparent to me that the more clear I am in explaining in exactly what I would like them to do, the easier it is to keep them on-task.
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